Articles Rating Comparisons Rating Comparisons

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Please Note: This rating comparison is from 2014. For the most recent comparisons, please visit

Many players are curious about how the different ratings stack up against each other.  This survey is designed to figure out the answer!  

At the bottom of the survey there are also a few questions about USCF and FIDE ratings for comparison purposes.  If you would like to remain anonymous on it's recommended you leave the USCF/FIDE fields blank.

To help keep the survey accurate please only fill in fields when you have 25+ total games in that category, and 5+ games in the last 6 months.  As the results start to come in I'll create a few plots and summary tables in the results spreadsheet.  Enjoy!

Survey  |  Results

Using Linear Regression, Blitz rating --> other ratings. (After 265 responses)

Blitz Standard Bullet Turn-Based USCF FIDE
800 1105 667 1355 944 1207
850 1134 720 1380 992 1240
900 1164 773 1406 1039 1273
950 1193 827 1431 1087 1306
1000 1223 880 1456 1134 1338
1050 1253 933 1482 1182 1371
1100 1282 987 1507 1229 1404
1150 1312 1040 1533 1277 1437
1200 1342 1094 1558 1324 1469
1250 1371 1147 1584 1372 1502
1300 1401 1200 1609 1419 1535
1350 1431 1254 1634 1467 1568
1400 1460 1307 1660 1514 1600
1450 1490 1360 1685 1562 1633
1500 1519 1414 1711 1609 1666
1550 1549 1467 1736 1657 1699
1600 1579 1521 1762 1704 1731
1650 1608 1574 1787 1752 1764
1700 1638 1627 1813 1799 1797
1750 1668 1681 1838 1847 1830
1800 1697 1734 1863 1894 1863
1850 1727 1787 1889 1942 1895
1900 1757 1841 1914 1989 1928
1950 1786 1894 1940 2037 1961
2000 1816 1948 1965 2084 1994
2050 1845 2001 1991 2132 2026
2100 1875 2054 2016 2179 2059
2150 1905 2108 2041 2227 2092
2200 1934 2161 2067 2274 2125
2250 1964 2214 2092 2322 2157
2300 1994 2268 2118 2369 2190
2350 2023 2321 2143 2417 2223


Blitz Ratings are on the x-axis.

NM Matt Jensen

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