Defending Difficult Positions

Defending Difficult Positions

| 33 | Strategy

How should you handle tough positions? NM Jeremy Kane has faced his share and demonstrates three techniques to handle trouble. You can complicate and get counterplay. You can simplify to a draw, or you can persistently improve your pieces until things turn around. 

Not what you're looking for? Go back to the video guide.

Defending Difficult Positions: Complicate It How do you defend tough positions in chess? One important way is to complicate the game, muddying the waters so your opponent has to work hard for the advantage. Learn how to defend by complication in this lesson.

Defending Difficult Positions: Simplify:  How do you defend tough positions in chess? One strategy is to simplify to a salvageable position. Look for stalemates, fortresses and other tricks to survive!

Defending Difficult Positions: Persistence Pays Off NM Jeremy Kane demonstrates one of his best defensive efforts. What did he do when he found himself down two pawns against a grandmaster who had beaten him before. Find out how he resisted, and if he was able to turn the game around.

Do you have experience defending difficult positions? How did it go? Let us know in the comments.

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