Get Dangerous At Bullet Chess

Get Dangerous At Bullet Chess

| 0 | Fun & Trivia

In this video series, GM Aman Hambleton is trying to educate us on all the fundamentals of bullet chess. He will cover everything from opening traps to the fastest way of delivering checkmate.

Rookies to bullet chess will find this course just as useful as veterans.

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Opening Traps Bullet chess has exactly the same rules as slower chess, but it can be played very differently. Learn some of the opening tricks and traps to help you win at the fastest time controls in this series.

Flagging In bullet chess, the clock is always a big factor in deciding who wins. Learn from one of the world's top bullet players the tips you need to be the one flagging your opponent in time scrambles instead of the one getting flagged!

Premoving You won't reach your bullet chess potential without knowing the best way to premove both in the opening and when the clocks run low. Learn from the bullet master about this important feature of online chess.

Checkmate What good is getting a winning position in bullet chess if you can't deliver the all-important checkmate? GM Aman Hambleton is back with more bullet chess tips about how to mate the enemy king before your clock runs out.

Time Management This is perhaps the most obvious way to get better at bullet chess where time is the paramount concern. But the bullet expert GM Hambleton will teach you some key tips and tricks to manage your time and improve your piece activity in bullet chess.

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