“I’m going to take you far away in time and place,” Professor Pando began. “There and then, chess is called Checker Chess, and the following bizarre position is legal.”
“Do not ask how the following position arose. But it did! Black has 32 bishops, all of the same color, and White has one bishop, of the other color.”
Question: “If the pieces move the same way they do in chess, can White mate in two moves by force?”
Lucian thought it over. “You know, it’s almost like playing checkers, this game of Checker Chess. And that gives me the answer!”
What forced mate in two did Lucian come up with?
Answer below - Try to solve ProfessorPando's Puzzle first!
Lucian found 1. Bd2. That forced Black to play 1…Ka1, when 2. Bc3 is mate.
Take note
Although the example is not of this world, it illustrates the idea that force isn’t everything. Placement and timing are also important.