Power Pawn Play

Power Pawn Play

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| 32 | Strategy

Here is a game from the 2008 Bundesliga, GM Mainka - GM Buhmann with full annotations and commentary:

This was a very instructive game to observe, especially with some of the pawn play. White started off with the unusual castling queenside and then even more surprisingly advancing the pawns in front of the King at will! This was very important because it secured the c6 square for use by the Knights which was one of the keys in winning the game. Then later in the game white was able to take full control of the f6 square by advancing the pawn to g5 and this was another critical factor in securing the win.

You must not underestimate the importance of pawn play in chess. With two simple pawn moves white was able to secure two very important squares (c6 and f6) for use by the pieces which led to overtaking the opposition.
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