Principles in the King's Gambit
This is a quick guide to a video series.
This series by IM Pruess, designed for intermediate (1300-1700 USCF) players, teaches about:
- the key opening principles
- how to use them to guide your opening play
- how to balance and compare them to each other
- how to think during the opening
- and some specific patterns and ideas in the King's Gambit
Not what you were looking for?? Back to the video guide!
And the videos in order:
Applying Principles in the King's Gambit 1: (beginner-intermediate level) This video introduces you to the role of the different important opening principles in the King's Gambit.
Applying Principles in the King's Gambit 2: (intermediate) This video covers some lines from the King's Gambit Declined where black places the bishop on c5, interfering with king-side castling. The central theme to this lesson: how black should fight against a strong center when white establishes it, and how white should defend and use that center.
Applying Principles in the King's Gambit 3: (intermediate) Here we look at two different examples of what can happen when white trades king safety for central control in classic King's Gambit fashion!
Member Analysis: Principles in the King's Gambit: (beginner-intermediate) Here we look at an informative member game, for some of the real-life decisions that you may have to make in your own games.
I may extend this series further in the future-- I have not decided yet!