Rook Endgame Essentials - Part 4

Rook Endgame Essentials - Part 4

| 3 | Endgames

Welcome to part four of the Rook Endgame Essentials! If you've missed the previous articles of the series, please click here: Part 1 (only in Turkish!), Part 2, Part 3.

Today we are going to examine four different positions, all bearing the name of André Chéron, the French endgame theorist and composer of endgame studies. Let's start!

The Cheron Position #1 - The king is cut off by one file.

The Cheron Position #1 - A relevant example from grandmaster practice.
The Cheron Position #2 - The king is cut off by two files and is on the long side.
The Cheron Position #3 - The king is cut off by two files and is on the short side.
In the next article, we will analyze a few practical rook endgames and formulate important principles that hold true for the most of rook endgames (and, perhaps, all endgames in general!). So, stay tuned!  
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