What Your Board Theme Says About You

What Your Board Theme Says About You

| 170 | Fun & Trivia

A board theme says a lot about a person... like, it says which color board you like. But more than that, it gives important insight into your personality and play style. We looked at some of the most popular and some of the most divisive board themes on Prepare to feel seen.

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You totally knew you could change your board color (yup, you can, right here) but you kept it to the classic green anyway. "If it's not broken, don't fix it" right? I bet you haven't changed your coffee order, haircut, or favorite pair of shoes for a while either. No. Your green board says you don't like to rock the boat. 

Brown really said "what if we yassified Walnut or Dark Wood?" when they created the Brown board. Honestly, it's kind of an offbeat choice; the feeling of playing on a real board, but without the pesky wood grain that reminds you the offline world exists. It's the neo-classical choice—no really, please tell me about the new line you're learning in the Grunfeld.

Dark Wood or Walnut

As a true admirer of the classics, you probably prefer playing over-the-board chess, but acknowledge that this is as close as it gets. You think it's impolite to decline a rematch, and you prefer replaying through annotated games books to doing online puzzles. I won't tell anyone you sleep with Capablanca's My Chess Career on your bedside table.

Icy Sea

Icy Sea has all the class of one of those frosted glass chess sets that people display in their homes, but without the constant worry that you'll drop a rook mid-blitz game and shatter it into a thousand pieces. Yet another case where online is just better... but you use the Icy Sea set, so you've known that for a while. Fancying yourself as someone who can play any opening, you're pretty cold-blooded in blitz, and you've banked way too many games of 3+0.


The dark green of the Tournament board gives the feeling of playing a weekend congress without having to be sat across from someone who kicks you under the table every time you make a good move. This is a nostalgic board theme, not used by anyone who learned to play the game post-Pogchamps. Reminiscent of the plastic roll-up sets at your local chess club, it's trying to be a serious board, just like you're trying to be a serious player. board themes lularobs tournament


Sitting somewhere between Green and Icy Sea, the Blue board is refined but plain. You didn't want the default, but weren't ready to stray too far from it. It's like ordering the same latte as always, but with an extra shot of vanilla. No one's judging you for it, don't worry. board themes lularobs blue


Using the Bubblegum chessboard makes you the Elle Woods of your league division. You know what they say, underrated board color... underrated player? Yeah, people definitely say that. You show up, blitz out 15 moves of theory (or at least, 15 moves of... something), and win on the board in style. What, like it's hard?


You picked one of the most dignified board styles on This design was practically made for longer games of 15+10 in classical mainlines. Every move played on this board theme feels kind of weighty, and even the Botez gambit comes with some heft and grandeur here. You definitely have a full bookcase of chess books at home, and you wouldn't be caught dead playing 1.b3. board themes lularobs marble


The Glass board may be niche, but it's pretty sophisticated. You drink your coffee black and all of your phone apps are on dark mode. You're a 1.e4 player because you think it's "best by test," and I'll bet 10+0 is your favorite time control. board themes lularobs glass


Players with the Lolz board should truly be feared. Anyone who thrives on this amount of glitter is a force to be reckoned with. Lolz board users have no regard for pawns or material in general, favoring activity and chaos. In this way, they are the opposite of Bubblegum board users. The silver sparkles of the Lolz board serve a Y2K aesthetic that reminds you chess is actually supposed to be fun, with a clear message that "I'd rather play 1.g4 every game than ever face a Berlin."


3D board users grew up playing Battle Chess on CD-Rom, and probably have Arcade Animations enabled for their pieces. The top-down view gives the full board game experience, while the board color is left up to the player (and although I'm personally biased towards Bubblegum, all the best board colors also look great in 3D). Plus, the knight pieces that come with this board style have no eyes, so at the very least they can't see when you blunder.

While the 3D look may not be the most popular choice, you can finally say you've found a way to play bullet chess "over the board" without knocking the pieces off the table.

3d board chesscom lularobs

Check out Lularobs on Twitch for more fun content! Be sure to comment below and tell us how you customized your board theme. Which one did you choose, and why? 

WCM Lula Roberts

Hi! I'm Lula. I started playing chess in December 2020 and now I'm a streamer! I stream chess Mon - Fri on Twitch.

If you want to play a game VS me, check out my Twitch stream where I often play against viewers.

If we got matched up together in a game, please don't check out my stream until after the game ends, so that we both have equal chances to win.

Check out my official Lessons series on HOW TO ANALYZE YOUR CHESS GAMES





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