
Hello 😁

Hope everyone’s having a nice day!

Um so, here’s something that crossed my mind, and I decided to write about it…because my sudden bursts of genius must be recorded, and I love the metaphor used: My brain is a book that only I can read, for once you open it you will be blinded by words, symbols, and phrases that you could never understand, scrawled on every corner in that signature messy handwriting of mine. Furthermore, (that word seems somewhat too formal for this but I can’t think of any other replacement at the moment 😁) you will be met by hundreds of vivid images that make up my imagination, plus at least three detailed plans for each important event that I will face in the next month (again in that signature messy handwriting of mine). Oh, and then there’s a whole chapter for all the random facts that I’ve heard about people and somehow remembered, from their zodiac sign, to their favourite number, to the type of cake they had on their birthday even though I wasn’t even at their birthday party. I’m sure this book of mine will be very interesting to study for some - that is, if you can open it.

When I find the one incorrect spelling in the 1000 word essay I just submitted…the world has ended. Typo + autocorrect: the deadly duo.

Random question (send me your answer if you want): Would you rather live in a world without cheese or a world without potatoes? I couldn’t choose 🥲

🎵Note: If you see this music note emoji, that means that there’s a music break and the text following it (in this font) are lyrics from a song that I like. These lyrics aren’t just any random lyrics, they have some sort of meaning to me 🙂

Things to know:

- I don’t send friend requests or follow people but I will accept any friend requests

- If you invite me to join a club I will most likely join but won’t be an active member

- I’m always up for a chat 😄

- I usually play 10 minute games as well as daily games with the duration of 3 days and I do Puzzle Battle, Puzzle Rush and Puzzles, as well as the Daily Puzzle which I comment on every day

- I try to be online daily at around 7:30pm - 8:30pm AEST

- Just to be clear, I am a female minor

If you’re not bored yet and you want to read more, here’s some facts about me:

Fav singer: I listen to loads of different artists and songs, but I think my fav singer has gotta be Taylor Swift. Not so much of a fan of folklore and evermore, her country albums. My personal fav album of hers has gotta be Reputation; it has such a rebellious vibe. 1989 is also amazing! 🤩 Like, I’m not a mega fan of her or anything, because unlike most people my age I’m not really a mega fan of anything ;D

Fav school subject: My fav subjects have always been maths and art. wink.png Honestly maths has gotten a bit more boring over the years but I still love art. I also enjoy geography, especially the projects because those are actually fun.

Fav book genre: I am a certified bookworm - I read every night! Personally, non-fiction books don’t interest me at all and I’d rather be lost in a thrilling fantasy or suspenseful, mystery. I also read books where people have a normal life with a lot of issues. Idk what that genre is called. Pretty sure it’s contemporary.

'A book is a film that takes place in the mind of a reader. That's why we go to the movies and say "Oh, the book was better".' - Paul Coelho 📚🎬🍿

Fav emojis: 🤩😄😉😊😂🤣😅🫠 I do use these very often.

Fav colours: Aqua, it always has been. Second place goes to purple, and I think the two colours go wonderfully together. They definitely give off a nice vibe.😉

What I’m good at: Academics, art and crafts, video editing, eating and sleeping.😆

Fun fact about me: The first thing that popped into my head is that I can solve a 3x3 Rubix cube. So there. Oh, I’m not fast though, not like those people (or should I say, superhumans) who can manage it in like 7 seconds. No, I can only do it in like 2 minutes (the cube I have sucks though; it doesn’t turn smoothly 😭)


🎵Take me through the night🌃

🎵Fall into the dark side😈

🎵We don't need the light💡

🎵We'll live on the dark side😈

🎵I see it, let's feel it❤️‍🩹

🎵While we're still young and fearless💘

🎵Let go of the light💡

🎵Fall into the dark side😈


The lyrics thing actually took FOREVER to do. Proud of mah efforts 😊

I have the biggest imagination ever. I don’t come up with ideas the best when put on the spot, because usually they come to me naturally. I sometimes take inspiration from the books I read/things I watch. I’m great at making up storylines for book/tv series (for no reason). I can create whole entire kingdoms or character descriptions in my brain and memorise the details for long periods of time (I write them down sometimes).

I love role play. Not so much in front of an audience, but I enjoy doing it with my friends or siblings. Doing it over text is super fun too. 😉

I enjoy solving things, particularly riddles, puzzles, mysteries, and anything involving logical thinking. 

I used to do swimming, and I also play badminton weekly. I’m not really a sporty kid, but I can run pretty fast. I’m terrible at throwing activities, such as shotput or discus, and I’m not very keen on team sports because I never get to do anything.

🎵What's a girl to do when she's not strong💪 

🎵When everyone that holds my hand🤝

🎵Gets cut from all the thorns🌵

🎵I used to put my ear against the wall👂

🎵To hear the screams, to hear the fall😱

🎵More reasons to escape it all😰

🎵And it's not the answer but I can't carry on😣

🎵I give my best smile, my last dime😊

🎵But I'm always getting wrong😔

🎵It's not 'cause I'm young or from a broken home🏠

🎵Maybe I just fight 'cause I don't know where I belong🤷‍♀️

🎵You know devils don't fly (fly, fly)🪽

🎵So don't expect me not to fall🤕

🎵Devils don't fly (fly, fly)🪽

🎵But God we almost had it all🙏

🎵But I got chains and you got wings⛓️

🎵You know that life ain't fair sometimes😵

🎵Devils don't fly (fly, fly)🪽

🎵But I try😠


Fun Fact: You’ll never believe what has the largest population in the world…..


Lazy? I prefer to call it selective participation 😎

Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes, I need expert advice. 🥸

When it comes to life, there’s one thing I’ve can be sure of. We aren’t gonna make it out alive. ☠️

How does it feel to have a whole army at your command? Gotta make sure you don't lose them all! (about chess, if you didn't process that)♟️

I can survive whatever life throws at me because I always duck just in time!🤪

If life was a movie, oh, I can't even begin to imagine how many times I would hit pause and rewind.🤔

They say: 'Follow your heart'. Well, right now, my heart is telling me to eat that last slice of cake.❤️

I know, I'm late. Honestly, you should be thanking me for helping you practice your patience.🤓

🎵But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time🧠

🎵Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time🪦

🎵I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined📋

🎵I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!☑️


'Its not love, its not hate, its just indifference' - Taylor Swift

When you’re about to give up, remember this quote ‘If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain’

And when you’re feeling like you’ve just had a terrible day, remember this ‘Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day’ We gotta appreciate the good things in life! 😁

’We all have rivers to cross, but we all have materials to build bridges’ - Ross Welford, author of a bunch of amazing books!

🎵I've been running through the jungle🏃‍♀️

🎵I've been running with the wolves🐺

🎵To get to you, to get to you🫵

🎵I've been down the darkest alleys🌑

🎵Saw the dark side of the moon🌙

🎵To get to you, to get to you🫵

🎵I've looked for love in every stranger💜

🎵Took too much to ease the anger😡

🎵All for you, yeah, all for you🫵

🎵I've been running through the jungle🏃‍♀️

🎵I've been crying with the wolves😭

🎵To get to you, to get to you, to get to you🫵


Fun Fact: Bananas are technically considered to be herbs. 🌿 🍌 I know right? 

Above, I said I love art, specifically drawing and crafts. I mainly do traditional art, which is the use of traditional materials such as pens and pencils. Recently, I have started experimenting with digital art, which I find rather hard because I have to use my finger. So, I decided to draw the outline of my artwork on paper, then take a photo of it, and trace it and add colour digitally. That is what I did with the image shown below👇:

🎵Do you ever get a little bit tired of life😴

🎵Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die🫠

🎵Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive🪡

🎵'Cause you gotta survive😣

🎵Like your body's in the room but you're not really there👀

🎵Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care😑

🎵Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air💔

🎵Am I past repair👩‍🔧


These next ones I did all digitally with the app Sketchbook:

🎵No damsel in distress, don't need to save me😩

🎵Once I start breathin' fire, you can't tame me🔥

🎵And you might think I'm weak without a sword🗡️

🎵But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours⚔️


I have found that I am best at observation drawing, where I look at an image and try to recreate it in my own style with different colours. Here is some of my traditional art:

🎵When all of the colours🏳️‍🌈

🎵Shine for each other whoa🪩

🎵We're sparkling at midnight🕛

🎵We're smilin' in the sunshine ☀️

🎵A rainbow in the spotlight🌈

🎵We are 👥

🎵All of the colours🏳️‍🌈


I used to go through a phase where I loved making art with oil pastels, following online tutorials. The images got a bit cut off because the format size was too large.

🎵I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know😶

🎵Where I'm losing all control🫨

🎵‘Cause there's magic in my bones✨

🎵I-I-I got this feeling in my soul💗

🎵Go ahead and throw your stones💎

🎵’Cause there's magic in my bones✨


I did binary coding in school. It was really fun as I used a code to form different colours, and from there I could create images. I worked really hard on them because one mistake is very hard to fix. I need to be able to visualise the image I wanted to make properly to get it right:

I love the duck the most; the colours were hard to find. These ghosts one took forever to make; I made so many errors! Fortunately, they were small and their shapes were all the same.


I can see you there

If you aren't eating that last slice of pie, I'll have it

Thx for reading! (●'◡'●)

You gonna eat that pie or not?

Wait, come back! I'm not done with you yet...

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