Намерете Шахматен Клуб

Team Moldova
Această echipă reprezintă Republica Moldova în cadrul Campionatului Mondial și cel European, organizat pe Chess.com. Pentru a intra în echipă, vă r...
1 377
Team Romania
Team Romania este echipa națională a României pe Chess.com. Echipa reprezintă România în principalele competiții oficiale de tip Daily și Live.   ...
5 069
Katya's Chess Mafia-KCM
Welcome to Katya's Chess Mafia! Whether you're a master or a beginner, we invite you to join our community of active and talented chess players. ...
The Great Chess League
Calling all chess enthusiasts! Join "The Great Chess League," where we celebrate the pursuit of chess mastery. Whether you're a seasoned player or ...
Magnus Carlsen VIP Lounge
COME AND JOIN US !! We Play Lots Of Daily Matches,Vote chess and We host premium Gifted tournaments fore our members #1 TopGifters club - 𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻...
4 364
Phoenix Chess League
Welcome to Phoenix Chess League! Phoenix Chess League (PCL) is a newly created league in 2024, which intends to bring events between clubs in mul...
Trump's Party of Patriots
'Trump's Party of Patriots' is a proud group of America First patriots who love freedom!  We respect people such as Donald J. Trump & Elon...
Chess bénéfice
Hello dear friend,  I invite you to join in my club♕ Let's play in interesting competitions & enjoy chess games 😇🌺
1 167
Hey there! 🌟 Welcome to THE GREATEST CLUB OF ALL TIME! We’re absolutely delighted to have you become a part of our vibrant community. Here, w...
Central Florida Chess Club
Welcome to the Central Florida Chess Club (CFCC)! Established in 1987 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) chess club and USCF tournament organizer, the Ce...
IITK Chess Club
The Official IIT Kanpur Chess Club https://linktr.ee/chessiitk
1 178
The Strategic Masters
Welcome to the Strategic Masters!! We are a community of chess enthusiasts dedicated to mastering the art of strategy and critical thinking. Our ...
The GaLLant Knights
The One True Knight Club! Must have "knight" in your name or profile pic featuring a knight
1 557
"I wish i could tell you how i feel about you"  
1 148
Herefordshire Worcestershire Shropshire
Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire participate in the County Championship Division 1, the County Cup, and the European Inter-Regio Compet...
Team Turkmenistan
Topar Türkmenistan. Bu klub, saýtdaky ähli Türkmen we Türkmenistanly Küştçileri birleşdirmek üçin döredildi. Resmi Ligalarda ýurdumyza wekilçilik e...
Scacchisti italiani principianti che organizzano tornei interni e sfide con pari livello di altri club 
Club de ajedrez secundaria 72 Emma Godoy
Club escolar de la secundaria 72 "Emma Godoy"
Cześć! Szachy dla początkujących to przede wszystkim serwer na Discordzie (https://discord.gg/dPwBfUR4vF), który powstał z myślą o początkuj...
Anime Team
Anime and Chess - nothing else..
7 323
Chess Federation of Canada
The Chess Federation of Canada (CFC), founded in 1872, is a non-profit corporation whose mandate is to promote and encourage the knowledge, study a...
Zenith Galaxy
This club may be private, but feel free to join! PLEASE NOTE: An account without an invitation to this club must be active for at least 2 weeks t...
The Chess Area
Hello, this is a club made for fun events and classical games of chess. My club community hopes to get by the end of the year over 1,000 members. T...
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