Day 10!!! Road to 2000

Day 10!!! Road to 2000

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Hello future GMs,

Finally, I'm here with the 10th day of my Road to 2000 Blog series. It's taken me probably 2 months, just been busy with work.

I've also got an amazing blog for the BlogChamps competition in the works that will hopefully be a success. At last, I have a game for you all that just occurred on July 2, 2024. 

Prior to this tournament, I reached my all-time highest OTB rating at 1824. This round, I played one of my highest rated opponents ever: A 2000.

Frankly, it was quite horrible from me, but it highlights some interesting depth to my understanding. Continuing with last time, I'll keep the same game formatting, with the game broken into parts because that seemed to be favorable and easier to read.

So let's get into the game:

Here I reached a position I had not even seen much in online play, so I actually had to think.

From here, we've reached a Queenless position with all of my pieces developed.  The position seemed equal to me.

After an exchange, we've reached this position where there is some tension and looming tactics of a discovery if I'm not careful.

Despite finding a strong idea, and likely having a winning position, I didn't spend enough time and threw the game away by not being careful enough.

Full Game:

Hi! I'm an amateur blog writer. 

Here's some of my works: