Going Above and Beyond: Christoph Kuberczyk

Going Above and Beyond: Christoph Kuberczyk

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There’s a big part about Chessable courses that we sometimes forget – they’re living things. Mistakes are fixed, theory gets updated, and authors react to the latest student questions.

So in our new series, Going Above and Beyond, we’re highlighting the authors who go above and beyond to keep their courses up to date, answer your questions, and make their courses the best they can be.

Today we’re celebrating FM Christopher Kuberczyk’s latest update to his popular The Hybrid Grunfeld-Slav course. 

FM Kuberczyk hovered around 2150 as an adult before making a serious attempt to improve his chess. He made significant progress, peaking at 2350 after 3 years of focused training.  Now, he’s happy to pass his knowledge onto you as an author and head of Chessable’s German content.

We sat down for a Q&A with Christopher:

What made you decide to update your course?

“I am happy about anyone who supports me by buying my courses and it always makes my day when I see people enjoying the content. So when someone has a reasonable request, I am more than happy to help. Most updates are driven by requests from users, but sometimes it also happens that I change my opinion about certain lines that I did not recommend initially and I simply come to the conclusion that it would be a nice addition to the course.”

Are there any variations (in your entire course) that you are especially proud of or enjoy?

“It’s hard to pick one. I am very happy with my lines in the Exchange Slav – before creating that chapter, I’d have never thought that it’s possible to play so dynamically against the Exchange Variation.  But I really spent a lot of time on every single chapter of the course, so I am proud of every one.”

Hybrid Grunfeld Slav

What’s your philosophy on course creation?

“I approach every course independently and try to set the “goal” of the course on a case-to-case basis. With the Grünfeld-Slav, there was not a single published source that covered the opening for Black. Basically, everyone thought the opening was dead. So when I started the project, it was clear to me that I should analyze it deeply to show that it’s a viable opening even against booked-up opponents.”

With the addition of a repertoire against Bird’s Opening, FM Kuberczyk’s Grunfeld-Slav offers you a repertoire against not just 1. d4 but also the English, 1. Nf3, and everything else but 1. e4.  Check out the latest updates to the Hybrid Grunfeld-Slav today.

You can also try a free sample of the course with Short & Sweet: The Hybrid Grunfeld-Slav