An Update + Chess PODCAST?!

An Update + Chess PODCAST?!

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Hi, chess friends! It's been a little while, and I want to update my readers on what's going on in my little world. 

First of all, I am excited to announce that my friend and I are launching a chess podcast!! We named it Chess Boyss. The main purpose of the podcast is for my friend and I to sit down, and talk about chess (and maybe some non-chess related things), and hopefully this resonates with listeners. Some topics we touched on were our university chess club, competitive chess, how we got started with chess, how we got "good" at chess, etc. 

Shoutout to my co-host, Jorge Ramirez (@Firejarv on He is a part of the Baylor Chess Club, and is also a good friend in his own right. Thanks to him for providing the setup, and contributing a lot to the pod!

Also, I do want to update you a little on my chess. I am several tournaments behind on my reporting, so I'll provide a screenshot of my recent tournament performances:

Sooo... a lot of ups and downs... Since my most recent post, I broke 1800 the next day! I scored 3.5/4, including a draw vs a master-level player. However, as you can see, things went south last weekend in Waco. I dropped a whopping 55 rating points, and blew some promising positions against lower rated players.

I hate throwing myself a pity-party, so I'm gonna keep this brief. Yes, it was discouraging and demoralizing to drop all of these points. However, as I've admitted in the past, making dramatic improvements to my play is going to be extremely difficult. My main focus right now is playing for the enjoyment of it, and results will come with it (whether good or bad ). 

Alright, that's it! As for future content, I will probably post another AMA soon, likely report on my next tournament, and I'm working on some more "original" content this summer. Still generating ideas. Stay tunned! 

Once again, check out the podcast, and feel free to comment your thoughts!

Hello to all, and welcome to my blog! Visit my profile for more info about myself!


(more description here coming soon)