I Scored 2.5/3 Against Titled Players Today!
That move 40 evaluation swing 👀

I Scored 2.5/3 Against Titled Players Today!

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Hi, chess friends! Well, time to brag about myself. No, the title is not clickbait, today, on Monday, July 11th, 2022 AD, I scored 2.5/3 (two wins, one draw, zero losses) against titled players (one NM who I rematched, and a CM). 

As a 2000+ blitz rated player, I get paired with titled players more frequently than I used to. Most of the time, if/when I'm paired vs them, they have a higher blitz rating than mine (2100-2200+), they outplay me, and win. However, today was different! 

Started the series vs NM Rene Phillips (according to his profile). I looked him up (just to see what his OTB stats were), and I realized that he has a fascinating story about encountering Hurricane Ida. He also has a Youtube channel. Anyway, I did not know all of that during our series, so let's begin the breakdown of my positive score vs titled players!



So a draw vs a master in a better position. Honestly, the objective play was to continue, but it's blitz... whatever, I was fine with a draw. He offered a rematch, which I happily accepted, as getting any chance to play a titled player is extremely cool.



Got the series dub, 1.5-0.5! I offered a rematch, which he declined (or just didn't accept... idk), which is fine with me. The games were interesting.

Later, I was paired with an anonymous CM (apparently) from Chile. I was proud of that game, because I played the Marshall Gambit, and got some thematic ideas. This game was far from a masterclass, but if the Marshall is something you want to learn, this could be a good sample game!



That's about it. I honestly hate bragging about myself, but I'm also proud of this. I know they may not be the strongest masters in the world, but they got their OTB titles for a reason, and they're super solid players.

Hope you enjoyed the post, I'll see you for the next one!

Hello to all, and welcome to my blog! Visit my profile for more info about myself!


(more description here coming soon)