September AMA Announcement (WITH A TWIST)
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September AMA Announcement (WITH A TWIST)

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Howdy, chess friends!  

Time for AMA! AMA stands for "ask me anything"... and it's just that! 

Submit any questions you have for me (can be about how to improve at chess, my chess story, games, my opinion on chess dRaMa, etc)... as long as they're appropriate, I'll answer them. You are allowed to ask more than one question!!

Now here's a twist. Sort of a tradeoff. Rather than giving you a lot of time to answer, I will be answering the questions on Friday evening (approximately 20 hours from now).

HOWEVER, here is the main twist: normally, I check the comments periodically, and if it's AMA related, I ponder the questions before I post the answers. However, I will not be reading the questions until I answer them on recording.  Meaning that when you watch me answer your questions, you will be getting my raw reaction! 

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. I think for anything (even answering questions), preparation is extremely beneficial. Although, in the real world, people ask you questions, and you have to give an answer on the spot. It's everyday life!

I'll be reacting to the questions on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL! Please subscribe, I am working on some new and hopefully refreshing content! (also, follow me on Twitch while you're at it ). I'll also link said video in the comments section here (so if you asked a question here, you should get an alert). 

Can't wait... I'm gonna be SUPER TEMPTED to check the comments, but I will not until Friday evening.

Hello to all, and welcome to my blog! Visit my profile for more info about myself!


(more description here coming soon)