The Reason Why I Changed My Username

The Reason Why I Changed My Username

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First and foremost, I want to wish everyone a happy International Chess Day! Chess is a sport (Yes, it is), and not only does it provide infinite entertainment, but also you can use your Chess skills in our daily lives.

Now, about my username: you have probably noticed I Changed my username from "EliteChess0967" to "AquaPython". Some may think "AquaPython" came from an AI generated friendly username. Sadly, you're wrong, I put a lot of effort in this and I will share it with you.

How it all got started:

A few days ago, I realized I could change my username again, though, at first I thought this was unnecessary. 

But then I thought: EliteChess0967 is too boring, too simple, too long... 

Then, here is the big problem, what should I change it to?

Inspiration and Ideas:

Most artists and singers get their inspiration somewhere, so I tried to think of different things that I could use.

1. Famous Chess Players




All of these names were coming into my mind, in the end though, I really like Karpov, especially this style of play. 

(If you have seen Karpov's games, you know that he has the nickname of a "Python", he would slowly go for the kill, instead of demolishing his prey instantly.)

So I thought, Why not include "Python" In the username?

2. Objects and other qualities

Fire, Water, Air, Other stuff.

These elemental things are coming into my mind, although only one stood out to me: Water.

Now, Water is very special, it doesn't have a definite shape, it always decides on what container it's in. Therefore, water is a very flexible substance. But also it's very calm, unlike fire or air which rises up.

In retrospect, water fits best with Python, as water and Python are both very "slow". The combination of these two elements is the base my username.

There is actually a species of snake that is called the Water Python


WaterPython seems to be the best combination, so I logged on to, went to settings to change my username, it gave me this stupid message: "This Username has already been taken..."


Then, this whole entire thing has come to a standstill. It wasn't until yesterday I thought of translating.

Long story short, I tried to translate Water and Python into other Languages to see what sounds the best.

Eventually, I came to "Agua" which is water in spanish, which I tweak it a little bit to get "Aqua".

And there we go! 


1. The reason I am writing this blog is to inform the people out there, this is NOT an AI generated friendly username!!!

2. Looking only at the "surface" of something will not help, we should always try to find out the deeper meaning or the ideas that are hidden under the surface.

Congratulations! You have made it the end! Any questions, comments, feel free to leave it below.

*Looking for a Coach, Private/Group Classes to improve your Chess? More information can be found on my profile/bio: 

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