Who Will Triumph? Part 3

Who Will Triumph? Part 3

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Welcome to the "Who Will Triumph" series, where we will be looking at the clash between 2 "titans", @Elitechess0967 and @electrosaw. In other words, this is a "World Championship Match" between me and Tyson". Just like there's a Titled Tuesday, it corresponds to a UNtitled Tuesday. Since we want to experience what it is like to play the actual World Championship Match, we manage to set this up. 

The match is set for 24 rapid (15+10) games, and each player has the ability to claim 3 timeouts (A break of 3 days). It's interesting to note this format is just like Kasparov-Karpov matches, as we intend it to be. I am known for my "incredible" Positional play and endgame grinds, however, Tyson is known for his calculation and attacking ability. As a comparison, this is like the Clash between water (Me) and Fire (Tyson).  

If you have not read part 2 yet, you're welcome to go read it, here.

Round 9: (Score: 3.5-3.5)

Round 10: (Score 4.5-3.5):
Round 11: (Score 5.5-3.5):
Round 12: (5.5-4.5):


This is obviously not my best performance, losing lots of games and missing lots of stuff. My main goal would probably be to improve my calculation, where that's my weakest part. 


Congratulations! You have made it the end! Any questions, comments, feel free to leave it below.

*Looking for a Coach, Private/Group Classes to improve your Chess? More information can be found on my profile/bio:  

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