Blogs Prize Events: Rule Violations & Penalty Guidelines Prize Events: Rule Violations & Penalty Guidelines

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This guide provides the chess community with a clear framework for addressing rules violations that occur before, during, and after events with prizes. We believe that publishing this process provides important transparency for players and the community, helping promote a level playing field for all participants so that they can compete with confidence. Our goal is to serve the chess community by protecting the integrity of the game and upholding the highest standard when it comes to events with prizes.

Penalization Philosophy

In competitive sports, rules and penalties play a central role in promoting fairness amongst competitors. Chess is no different. When it comes to our events, players who violate the rules may be penalized in a variety of ways. The most important part of any rules enforcement framework is that rules and penalties are applied fairly and with consistency.

Violations and penalties will be documented in writing and depending on the violation may range from warnings to an indefinite suspension from events with prizes. The severity of each penalty will depend on the specifics of the violation, and subsequent violations may result in higher penalties. Players will be informed of the specific reason(s) for their penalization and have the right to appeal and request a review of their penalties. For violations that result in disqualification, suspension, and/or player appeal, the case will be reviewed by a committee that includes events staff and at least two arbiters or titled players—one internal to and one external, independent player. The player who appealed will receive a written response within one week.

Violation Categories

Rules Violations in events are divided into three main categories: Personal Conduct, Fair Play, and Event Regulations.

Personal Conduct

Violations that directly violate a player’s ethical responsibility to their colleagues or the greater chess community. These rules help ensure competitors are not disrespectful to fellow competitors, staff, and tournament administrators.

Fair Play 

Violations that include actions that compromise the integrity of the game and breach Fair Play policy. These violations include cheating, gambling, manipulating ratings, collusion, match-fixing, and other forms of abuse.

Event Regulations

These regulations promote the smooth operation of events, and aim to avoid unfair disruptions by players. This includes, but is not limited to, breaking official event rules, arriving late or not showing up to a match without a valid reason, and attempting to gain an unfair advantage.

Definitions of Penalties 

Warning: A formal email notification issued to the player,  documenting the violation and informing the player about which rule was broken

Time Reduction: A penalty where a player's game clock is reduced as a consequence of a violation.

Prize Reduction: A penalty where prizes (money, awards, etc) are reduced due to a violation.

Game Forfeiture: The automatic loss of a game, either current or previous, due to a significant violation. This penalty results in the immediate forfeiture of the game in question.

Disqualification: A ruling whereby a player is deemed ineligible to compete in the current event, resulting in their disqualification from that event.

Event Suspension: A temporary or permanent ban from participating in events with prizes. Suspensions can apply to the current event and/or future events. For the most egregious violations, suspensions from events with prizes may extend indefinitely.


We are committed to ensuring that every move, every game, and every interaction on our platform is conducted with integrity and the utmost respect for the community. We will continually strive to uphold these values, ensuring that remains a place where everyone can enjoy the game in a fair and enjoyable environment.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for upholding the spirit of chess. Your dedication and commitment make a vibrant, respectful, and amazing place for all players to compete. We look forward to continuing this journey with you, united in our love for the game and our shared commitment to excellence.

Violation List

Note that these are just violations specific to events with prizes. All players must read and follow the User Agreement (and all policies within), as well as the Official Event Rules. Violations of any of these policies may result in penalties.

Violation Description Minimum Penalty
Player Conduct Violations
Disruptive Behavior Actions that negatively impact the event Warning
Hate speech/ Discrimination Intentionally discriminatory conduct towards staff or
players based on race, religion, national
origin, age, sex, pregnancy, familial status,
and/or disability
Match Chat Abuse Inappropriate use of the official
tournament chat
Mistreatment of Players
or Staff
Negative conduct or speech directed towards
players, staff, or any of’s
partners that is deemed harmful
Unsportsmanlike Conduct Behavior that goes against the expected
standards and ethical guideline of a
professional chess player
Fair Play Violations
Breach of Event
Streaming Guidelines
Failure to adhere to required stream
delays, chat restrictions, or leaking of
fair play or events chats/calls
Bribing (player/official) Attempt to coerce a tournament official
or competing player to alter the
outcome of a game, match, or event
Collusion Colluding with an opponent to
manipulate the outcome of the game
Game Forfeiture
Fair Play Camera Issue    Violation of fair play camera policy.
Examples: Failure to join fair play
call, camera(s) disconnecting without fixing, etc.
Gambling Placing monetary bets (either legal or
illegal) on any game or match
the player is competing in
Intentionally Throwing
Forfeiture, or intentionally losing a game
or match to an opponent
Regulation Violations
Delay of Game Purposely delaying the start of the
match, or tardiness, barring extenuating
circumstances, that results in the
delay of the event/game start
Falsifying Information Purposefully using incorrect information
to participate in events
Non-fulfillment of
Media Obligations
Refusal of contractual media obligations (interviews,
scheduled live event content, etc.)
No Show Missing an event or game within
an event after registering, qualifying, and/or
signing a contract without an approved reason.