Update: Fair Play Titled Player Closure Process

Update: Fair Play Titled Player Closure Process

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Over the last few years we have heard from many players who want greater transparency when it comes to how we address fair play violations. Today, we’re making an important change to our approach when it comes to closing titled player accounts for cheating.

Going forward, we plan to publicly mark as closed the accounts of any titled player who violates our fair play policy either A) in a prize event, or B) in casual play on a second chance account.

Previously, we handled the vast majority of titled player closures privately. We strongly believe that was the right approach for how online chess was historically played. Now, the stakes are changing and online prize events are here to stay. With the rapid growth of online tournaments the standard must shift, and that is why we are making this change.

Read more about our Fair Play policy here.

IM Kassa Korley
Director of Professional Relations