A New Move On Move 2 Of The Sicilian!
Today's post is all about a new 2nd move for White against the Sicilian Defence, which has recently been used by some strong GMs, including Morozevich and Kasimdhanov!
And no, it's not the move 1.e4 c5 2.a3, that Russian GM Alexey Bezgodov wrote a book about in 2004. Or the 2.Na3 played by Russian GM Vadim Zvjaginsev in the 2006 Russian Championship.
Rather, I am talking about 1.e4 c5 2.a4!?:
As I discuss in the video above, with this flexible waiting move, we are playing for a more flexible/improved version of the Grand Prix Attack.
If you'd like to follow along on the chess board at your own pace, here is the PGN of the analysis. Normally I only share this with my private students, but I'm feeling generous today
What are your thoughts on this fresh 2.a4!? idea?
Let us know in the comments!