Presentation of new e-book about endgames

Presentation of new e-book about endgames

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I'm happy to announce that second part of my series Improving the Endgame Technique is already available on Amazon. In near future it will be also available on ForwardChess app (if you do not have this app on your electronic device I strongly recommend it!). We are also looking for new chess e-books markets; so if you have any suggestions – please send me a message.

A few words about e-book. This time I have shared my thoughts about Opposite-Colored Bishop endgames (when first book was dedicated to Same-Colored Bishop endgames). Beside Opposite-Colored Bishop Endgames with pawns it also includes Opposite-Colored Bishop Endgames with rooks that have a lot of own nuances.

There is no secret that even very experienced players often get confused with evaluation and plans in this type of endgames. Peter Svidler and Etienne Bacrot even gave up in drawn positions (for second it was especially sad since he resigned in the game from his semi-final match vs Aronian on the World Cup). Time from time even engines give us a wrong evaluation in positions where advantage has no chance to be converted into the point.

In the book I used basic summaries about Opposite-Colored Bishop Endgames taken from classical endgames books and tried to show how all these ideas work in the real games.

Of course my modest work can not help one to become Super-GM in opposite-colored bishop endgames but it produces a lot of interesting positions, analysis and summaries on this important type of positions. 90% of examples were many times discussed and reviewed with my students. Surely this analysis still has holes but I did tried very hard to avoid serious mistakes.

One can not become good in the endgames if he or she does not analyze them. So if you are looking for material for analysis – this e-book will definitely benefit you!

Especial thanks to Roman Jiganchine from Canada and Dmytro Kharuzin from Lviv, Ukraine who helped me to visualize results of my work!

P.S. In near future I am going to issue a book about Pawn Endgames where I hope to show how general well-known ideas help in complex pawns endgames. Also I have an idea to start a new series on the Middlegame Technique where I will be trying to disclose nuances of different strategic tricks (like exchanges, positional sacrifices of exchange, play with two bishops etc.).