Get the complete rock-solid opening repertoire for White and Black

Get the complete rock-solid opening repertoire for White and Black

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Today, I started a new series on YouTube where I will be discussing openings. The first episode is now available. In the video, I explain the 4-step process of working on openings. You can watch it here:

Additionally, I want to share with you the complete opening repertoire for both sides: white and black, which I have prepared. It is based on the openings that I play, and I've named it the rock-solid opening repertoire. Visit: and get it for FREE.

What chapters does it contain?

For White:

  • Catalan
  • Slav Defense
  • Queens Gambit Accepted & sidelines
  • Benoni
  • Englund's Gambit
  • Queen's Indian Defense
  • Old's Indian Defense
  • Gruenfeld Defense
  • Kings Indian Defense
  • Dutch Defense

for Black:

  • French Defense, sidelines
  • French Defense, Exchange Variation
  • French Defense, Advanced Variation
  • French Defense, Fort Knox Variation
  • Queen's Gambit (Tartakower), Main Line
  • Queen's Gambit (Tartakower), London System & sidelines

On my YouTube channel, you can already find a couple of videos explaining ideas from the repertoire. Shortly, I am planning to create more opening videos related to it.

In summary, watch videos to understand ideas, download the repertoire to learn basic lines, and you can start playing your new openings!