The Ukrainian Chess Federation receives no responses

The Ukrainian Chess Federation receives no responses

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#Ukraine #chess #war #fide #ecu #NoResponse
Earlier today I received from the Ukrainian Chess Federation the following text for publication. (MG)


March, 2, 12:18
[email protected]
European Chess Union ecu.secretary.general***

Appeal to all chess federations of the world, the European Chess Union, chess players, the entire chess community, all those who have not lost their humanity and morality

Russia's brutal, unprovoked aggression against Ukraine has been going on for almost a week now. Unable to succeed on the battlefield, the Russian aggressors turned their cruelty on civilians.

In Kharkiv, the Grad and Tornado missile systems are being used against civilians, killing dozens of people, tearing them to pieces and burning whole families with children. GM Elyanov said that the last time Kharkiv was bombed was on Hitler's orders in 1941. Well, a new Hitler named Putin is worthy of his spiritual predecessor.

The capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, was attacked by Iskander and Calibre missiles, which led to destruction and human casualties.

In Okhtyrka, the enemy used a banned vacuum bomb.

The Freedom square in Kharkiv and TV Center in Kyiv were hit using cruise missiles.

A family was shot dead in Nova Kakhovka, and a chaplain of the Ukrainian church was shot near Kyiv.

During these days, more than a thousand civilians died because of the Russian occupiers, including 20 children.

And this is only an insignificant part of the crimes committed now on our land by the Russian barbarians.

We are no longer talking about military defeats or victories, but about the massacre and extermination of the Ukrainian nation.

This tragedy certainly affected the Ukrainian chess players, who all rose to defend the country, fulfilling their duty, each in his and her place.

The entire civilized world supports Ukraine and demands that Russia immediately stop the mass extermination of people, imposing severe sanctions on it.

One by one, sports federations, international sports organizations, and athletes express their attitude to these tragic events, provide assistance to Ukraine, refuse to compete with the Russians, demand excluding Russia from the international federations, and we believe that the world chess community cannot stand aside from the will of the civilised world to punish this evil of the 21st century.

We appeal to the European Chess Union and the world chess community with the following proposals:

ECU at the next meeting:

  1. To approve of the statement with categorical condemnation of aggression of Russia against Ukraine and those atrocities and crimes which it commits.
  2. Exclude Russia from the ECU, ban all Russian chess players without exception from participating in any competitions held under the ECU, regardless of their actual flag or a flag they intend to play there.
  3. To boycott all Russian chess players, coaches, officials, to ban their participation in any events held under the ECU.
  4. To release Russian citizens from all positions in the structures of the ECU or other organizations related to the ECU.
  5. To address FIDE with the following statement:

The European Chess Union considers the measures taken by FIDE against Russia at its meeting on February 27 to be hypocritical, false and ridiculous, inconsistent with the historical sharpness of the moment and clearly dictated by Kremlin curators to reduce the inevitable punishment to the formal declarations.
We believe that by moral and all human standards, Fide's continued leadership of Dvorkovich, a long time henchman of the bloody dictator Putin, is a mockery of common sense and a mockery of the suffering and death of the Russian occupiers.

We demand the immediate and unconditional resignation of Dvorkovich from the post of FIDE President. Otherwise, the ECU will be ready to consider leaving FIDE and functioning as a separate international chess structure. We don't want to have anything to do with people who have blood on their hands.

We demand immediate consideration of the issue of excluding the Russian Chess Federation from FIDE, a complete ban on the participation of all Russian chess players without exception in all tournaments held under FIDE.

After the resignation of Arkadiy Dvorkovich and all citizens of Russia and Belarus from all FIDE structures to convene the General Assembly to elect new FIDE governing bodies and determine the principles of further work.

We call on chess federations around the world to support these demands, and the ECU to adopt them at the next meeting.

UCF President

Viktor Kapustin


ECU Reply:


March, 4 16:05
[email protected]
presidentofecu***gunnar***reizniece.dana***poecksteiner***isd***e.repkova***sokolovivan***vvdraskovic***Адриан Михальчишин gmadrian***European Chess Union ecu.secretary.general***

Dear colleagues,

The Chess Federation of Ukraine is extremely disappointed with the half-hearted and inconsistent decision made yesterday by the ECU board.

At a critical moment for global security and world history, the ECU was not up to its tasks.

The number of civilian casualties, including children, is growing every minute. Mass bombings continue. A nuclear power plant has been shelled, which may cause hazardous radioactive contamination of the whole European continent.

We declare that Ukrainian chess players will not participate in the tournaments to which chess players from Russia and Belarus will be invited.

We demand the immediate adoption of a formal decision by the ECU Board to ban Russian and Belarusian chess players from participating in all tournaments, without exception, regardless of their flag.

We demand the immediate decision of the ECU Board to appeal to FIDE to convene the FIDE Extraordinary General Assembly without delay to decide on the resignation of FIDE's governing bodies. It can be done online.

We demand the immediate dismissal of Russian and Belarusian citizens from the ECU, regardless of their number.

We demand that the official position of the ECU leadership be expressed regarding expelling Russia and Belarus from the ECU and the corresponding recommendations to the General Assembly.

We consider the continued existence of the ECU and FIDE meaningless if its members continue to watch in cold blood the destruction of an independent country in central Europe and the killing of its people.

We call for another immediate convening of the ECU Board to take the above decisions.

Ukrainian Chess Federation




Dear colleagues,

In the face of ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine and massacre of Ukrainian people our federation demands to convene the Extraordinary ECU Assembly.

The proposed Schedule of the Extraordinary ECU Assembly:

  1. To expel Russia and Belarus federations from the ECU as the result of unprovoked barbaric military aggression of Russia and Belarus against Ukraine, their support in one form or another by the overwhelming majority of the RCF and Belarus members and the violation of the fundamental principle of the international chess community - "Gens Una Sumus".
  2. Prohibit Russian and Belarusian chess players from participating in any tournaments held by the ECU under any flag or without it.
  3. Initiate the immediate convocation of the FIDE General Assembly demanding the immediate resignation of FIDE President Dvorkovich, as a person who, being Putin's close aide, is personally responsible for the formation of Russia's aggressive foreign policy, the preparation and unleashing of a criminal bloody war and the crimes against humanity.
  4. Prohibit all Russian and Belarusian coaches, arbiters, officials from participating in any competitions held under the auspices of the ECU and immediately dismiss the citizens of these countries from any positions in the ECU Board and Commissions.

This request is made by UCF in accordance with the Article III GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF THE EUROPEAN CHESS UNION.

We express confidence that the European Chess Federations as well as the members of the ECU Board understand the tragedy of the present moment and will support our demands.

We kindly ask ECU Board to convene the Extraordinary General Assembly within one week after receiving this letter.

Viktor Kapustin

President of Ukrainian Chess Federation


NO RESPONSE (excepting Lithuanian Chess Federation)

June 2017: very glad with the news that my new chess book, Understanding the Sicilian, is released!

Understanding the Sicilian


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