Puzzles from a Seesaw Battle

Puzzles from a Seesaw Battle

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In 3 minute blitz (with no increment) games often become a blur of rapid decisions and intuitive sacrifices. However, every once in a while, we encounter a game so complex that it seems almost impossible to fully grasp within the time constraints. These seesaw battles, characterized by back-and-forth swings in advantage, present a rich source of puzzles and learning opportunities for players of all levels. Let's explore the value of dissecting such a game and the lessons we can draw from the chaos.

How the Game Came About

Nemo ran a free, double fianchetto themed tournament with prizes for the top finishers and lucky wheel spin winners! It was a lot of fun, she's always running great events! You should check out her links --> to keep up-to-date with all of her streaming and content creation.

Puzzle 1: An Unintuitive Resource for Black

Black has an interesting resource that was missed by both players in the position below.  Can you find the resource?*

*in all of these puzzles there is no shame in clicking to see the answer. The main thing is to try to remember these resources for when they ever occur in your games.

Lesson: Tactical Vision

One key takeaway from this puzzle is the importance of tactical vision. Even in a positional struggle, training your mind to recognize tactical patterns can turn a seemingly strategic position into a tactical skirmish with you coming out ahead.

Puzzle 2: Ahhhh, I blundered! Can you Spot the Win for Black?

Lesson: Looking at ALL Forcing Moves: Checks & Captures

This puzzle emphasizes the need for always looking at all of your forcing moves such as checks and captures. This is something that you're not always able to do in a 3 minute blitz game but definitely should be down in games with more time on your clock.

Puzzle 3: I survived! Can you Find the Winning Sequence for White?

Click --> Here for a Youtube Short about the Game

The Seesaw Battle Analyzed (Full Game Analysis)

Bonus Puzzle: Can You Find the Winning Sequence and Beat a GM in TT?*

*You'll see I couldn't

 Click --> Here for a Youtube Short about the Game


Seesaw battles in blitz chess offer a treasure trove of puzzles and lessons. While the fast pace can lead to mistakes, it also sharpens your tactical, intuition, and calculation skills. By dissecting these games and understanding the critical moments, you can turn chaos into clarity and emerge a stronger player. So next time you face a tumultuous blitz game, embrace the complexity and learn from every twist and turn.

NM Craig C.

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