Free Mega Chess Event at Exclusive Copenhagen Night Club this Friday!
Copenhagen Chess Slam

Free Mega Chess Event at Exclusive Copenhagen Night Club this Friday!

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The boys at Outray Chess have teamed up with the Danish Chess Union and the night club Chateau Motel to deliver what promises to be the most outrageous chess event in recent history. Oh and it's free.

Friday the 24th, Chateau Motel, 17:00-23:00

Knabrostræde 3, 1210 Copenhagen

The team “Deadly Dames of Chess” consisting of former WCM GM Mariyza Muzychuk, super-talent IM Zhansaya Abdumalik and YouTube-darling IM Anna Rudolf will be taking on the Bad Boys of Danish Chess GM Jakob Vang Glud, U18 European Champion IM Jesper Thybo and all-around good guy IM Nikolaj Mikkelsen. The match will be played at blitz and then bullet time-controls in a format that borrows from the Speed Chess Championship format.

posterThe star of swedish chess GM Nils Grandelius will take on 4 opponents in a blindfold simul and Fiona Steil-Antoini aka Fionchetta will do live-commentary (broadcast on


It’s free to join and the first 300 guests can grab a free Chess Burger. Everybody can play casual games of chess or participate in a blitz tournament. Reserve a seat in the tournament by sending your name to [email protected]

The event starts at 17:00 and runs to 23:00 where we hide most of the chess away and continue to party in the night club.