OutrayChess video - How they sacrificed in the 1620s - Greco style
Was Greco fighting to win this damsel's heart?

OutrayChess video - How they sacrificed in the 1620s - Greco style

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We recently did some time-travelling and found ourselves in Italy, cerca 1620. Here, we ran into a chess master of yore. We watched him play his immortal game, a game that changed the history of chess forever.

Our friendly master, Gioachino Greco, began his masterpiece with a natural two-square advance of his king's pawn. His opponent, nameless to the ages, playing the Black pieces, counters with a two-square advance from his own king's pawn...

White, seeking a battle, jumps his king's knight to challenge Black's foray into the center. Black, being no fool, charges his own knight to protect the pawn. Our now quarrelsome master wastes no time calling upon a higher power and throws his enlightened bishop into the fray shouting "I challenge thee!".

The unflappable Black player calmly trots out his second knight to attack White's adventurous pawn. With a knowing grin, Greco, ignoring his opponent's menacing posture, gallops his knight closer to the enemy king. The fearless opponent is unimpressed and throws his second center pawn forward, closing the diagonal on White's bishop, proclaiming "Out, damned spot! ". 

The rest, as they say, is history.

See you next episode!