An Endless Movement

An Endless Movement

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The Chess World Made by Samuel Gareginyan.

What makes chessmen move? What is the invisible hand behind? How does the constant movement of our ideas fly and evolve? How (un)predictable is our thinking?

"I, Samuel G. was born in Armenia, where the sun carves the contrasts, where lazure of the sky blends with the yellow Earth, and clouds like dancing menades embrace the old mountains.

"I am not certain what made me take brushes and paint. Maybe life itself, maybe surrounding majestic landscapes, or maybe the great Rembrandt, Giotto and Durer, but by the will of fate I became a painter.

"And so, possessed by great desire and fate I entered my Air Ship of Fortune to see and perceive the Perfection and great achievements of the Masters who remain in Eternity.

"My flying wanderings passed through the Archaic World of Art and I found myself in the space where there are no boundaries, no time, no style, no beliefs or principles. But there is an endless movement similar to the evolution, there is an unpredictability of thinking as in Nature itself."



Samuel Gareginyan At the Blue TableAt the Blue Table


Samuel Gareginyan Playing chessPlaying chess


Samuel Gareginyan


Samuel Gareginyan Chess (the Death and the Knight) Chess (the Death and the Knight)


Chess players Samuel GareginyanChess players