Chess on Christmas Eve

Chess on Christmas Eve

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"By-the-bye, Fred," said Mr. H___, you'll spend your Christmas with us, of course. We shall have a jolly party, and plenty of fun: the F.s and G.s, the B.s and the C.s will be there and I don't know how many besides."

"I can scarcely promise," said I, "for I have half-made an engagement with Thornton for a match at chess." (Chess on Christmas Eve, by Alfred Holloway, The Chess Player's Magazine, 1864)

Santa chess.


These are two chess sets they had to choose from


All guests at the Christmas Eve party should be dressed comme il faut


Il Folletto Matto, women's shoping store in Flers, France, appropriately decorated at Christmas (Lessica Filippi on Instagram)


The French Chess Federation's Christmas greeting:

La Fédération souhaite à tous ses licenciés un Joyeux Noël et de bonnes fêtes pour eux et ceux qui leur sont chers, avec l'espoir que nous pourrons très vite nous retrouver pour partager notre passion


The Pawn was born


Somewhere in the Santaland







The famous Hungarian player Geza Maroczy sent out as a Christmas greeting card to his wide circle of friends the score of the Muzio Gambit which he won from Chigorin at the Vienna 1903 (American Chess Bulletin, Feb 1929, p.26, via Edward Winter's History)



Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Feliz Navidad! Buon Natale! Feliz Natal! Fröhliche Weihnachten!

