Top Bloggers' Ratings and Stats Revisited (Last 60 Days)
©Mihai Ignat of Romania

Top Bloggers' Ratings and Stats Revisited (Last 60 Days)

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In the previous post, top bloggers that had posted over the last 30 days were listed. Some prominent and popular bloggers seem to have worked less ardently during the holiday season. So, today I'm adding up all those who have been blogging in English language over the period of the past two months (data captured at 6:30 pm tonight).

I also added the number of posts per blogger and their languages in case of multiple ones were used. Otherwise, the native one is assumed. Please let me know if I have missed someone, or made any blunders with the information prestented. To err is chessly.  


Table 1. Top Bloggers Daily Ratings

Chesscom Top Bloggers Ratings


Table 2. Top Bloggers (sorted by the number of posts, 2+ only of 60-day window)  

Chesscom Top Bloggers Number of Posts Last 60 Days.

You may want to name your favorite bloggers.

Wish you all a very happy and healthy 2021!
