Update on ⓇELATIONAL Method. Wait, What's That Again?
©Luxury Apartments in Sandy Springs, Atlanta, Georgia

Update on ⓇELATIONAL Method. Wait, What's That Again?

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Exactly two months ago, on the 13th of January, I received this message from the British (Scottish) coach Jim Stevenson.

Hi Momir,

Happy New Year to you and your family. Let’s hope 2021 is a good one for all of us.
I just wanted to mention something which might be of interest. The other day, a lifelong friend of mine who has NEVER played chess before (aged in her 50’s like myself) asked me to show her some chess. I decided to use your dynamic method, explaining the pieces potential and interaction/ co-operation with no reference to formal rules. After a two hour zoom call she said she had no idea how exciting chess could be, was able to understand how for example each piece operates in context with other pieces, and could execute the K and Q v K checkmate flawlessly. As a wizened and cynical old chess coach — I was impressed!

All the best,


Jim Stevenson is an ex-Scottish International player and chess coach from Kent, UK. He has had some reflections on the Ⓡelational before.


Kids playing chess


The Relational is a paradigm-changing approach to teaching chess. It starts with Piece Relationships and their Functions being introduced BEFORE the moves which is the seemingly sine qua non and absolutely the first thing to teach at Chess Square One on Day One.

Here is Grandmaster Jonathan Tisdall,


And here are some posts for those who might be interested to find out more about my Ⓡelational method,

1) PRINCIPIA SCACCHORUM, Part 8: Bricks in the Wall, or How Chessmen Interact

2) PRINCIPIA SCACCHORUM, Part 11: On Relations, the Very Fabric of (Chess) Life 

3) Why Chess Teachers Should Convert to Relationists 

4) Poor Board Vision as a Common Early Symptom in Chess



Thanks for visiting.

