December Blitz 'n' Memes
Just chilling for the Holidays...

December Blitz 'n' Memes

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Welcome everybody, to a Christmas edition of Blitz 'n' Memes.

If you're a fan of puzzles taken from amateur online blitz tournaments, then you have come to the right place, because that is what I do.

As always, the tactics have been selected from the Japan Chess Federation's monthly blitz tournament: TGIF Blitz. The tourney takes place on the 3rd Friday of every month, 21:00 JST, right here on It consists of seven rounds of blitz, with a time control of 3+2; and is open to all JCF club members.

The memes on the other hand, were found in the very underbelly of the InterWebs...

Last's months offerings were just a little to easy, so I have made it my business to make sure there are a few extra difficult tactics for all you Puzzle Grandmasters. If you can get all 5 correct on the first attempt, you really do have something to be proud of...

And BTW, I have added a special bonus question, so be sure to scroll all the way down.

So, without further ado, lets get to the Blitz 'n' Memes...

A shade dark for Christmas, but surely his request was unreasonable...

A Tight Squeeze

Our first tactic is taken from the 7th round, here Zucci, playing White, is able to take advantage of Black's cramped pieces...

Black should have taken the a4 pawn to create some space, how should White continue.

It is harsh...but where is the lie?

Criminal Passed Pawn

A passed pawn is a criminal which should be kept under lock and key. Mild measures, such as police surveillance, are not sufficient.— Aron Nimzowitsch

In this fourth round match IM rnanjo proves Nimzowitsch's words correct, playing Black, he is able to force a quick finish to this endgame.

A Black pawn on the 2nd rank spells the end of White's game, can you see how to continue?

I would have told him to play it...#TeamGukesh

UNO Reverse

In this first round encounter yamatoji221, playing Black, is able turn the tables on the ironically named DahBlunderDude, who has just blundered...

White has a double attack, how should Black respond?

HoW dID hE MiSs ThAT EaSY MaTe in sIX...?!

Small Fish, Big Prize

One more from IM rnanjo, this time in the 7th round, playing Black, he is able to turn a small attack into a big result.

Black can tactically threaten to win a pawn, can you see how?

Me after beating a group of elementary kids who barely know how to move the pieces...(T_T)

A Loose Elephant

Our last and hardest offering is taken from the third round, yamatoji221, playing Black, puts on a clinic in precision attacking.

This tactic is show difficult and the difference between continuations so minute that I think it only fair that I give a hint...

Hint: the ultimate target of this attack is the light square bishop (elephant).

And that was it, that was December Blitz 'n' Memes. Congrats to IM rnanjo for winning with a 6/7 score. And special thanks any of you who got all 5 puzzles correct on the first attempt, you truly are a Puzzle Grandmaster...

But wait...there's more!!

My Very First...

I have been playing this great game for almost 12 years now, but this past weekend I won my very first chess tournament. The Kobe Christmas Tournament, was held on Sunday December 22nd, a rapid affair with a time control of 20 | 10. It was a small tourney, there were only six of us, and the prize fund was $20...but a tournament win is a tournament win, and I felt as proud as Gukesh Dommaraju.

For your viewing pleasure, here is the winning tactic from the penultimate game.

Black has just sacked a rook on f5, what is the best way to continue the attack?

As always thanks for reading, and feel free to share these puzzles with your friends down by the library or community center.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all,



I have loads of great chess themed apparel at my online REDBUBBLE shop. If that is of interest to you, please invite "The Click Button" to a game of chess, but instead of bringing a chess clock, bring an alarm clock...