November Blitz 'n' Memes
1.b3 for the win!

November Blitz 'n' Memes

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I know how to play chess. I just don't know how to win.

-The dude that played Spassky in "Pawn Sacrifice".

Welcome everybody to a pre-world championship edition of Blitz 'n' Memes.

If you're a fan of puzzles taken from amateur online blitz tournaments, then you have come to the right place, because that is what I do.

As always, the tactics have been selected from the Japan Chess Federation's monthly blitz tournament: TGIF Blitz. The tourney takes place on the 3rd Friday of every month, 21:00 JST, right here on It consists of seven rounds of blitz, with a time control of 3+2; and is open to all JCF club members.

The memes on the other hand, were searched out from the dilapidated hollows of the interwebs...

This month's puzzles are simpler than months past, so perhaps now is your chance to get all five puzzles correct on the first attempt.

So, without further ado, let's get to the Blitz 'n' Memes...

GM Amam Hambleton of ChessBrahs pulled this mate off in a bullet of the greatest trolls of all time.

Checks, Captures and More Captures

Our first tactics is from the 5th round. Zucci, playing Black, proves that the old adage holds true, always look for checks, captures and more captures...

Look for a check, who knows maybe White will blunder two rooks with his reply...

Why don't you just resign?...

Irrefutable Threat

In the 6th round IM rnanjo, playing White, had many ways to win, but being an IM he was able to find mate in 4.

Can you do as well?

No sleep tonight...

Equality or Death

In the 2nd round JamMasterInsane, playing Black, had to find a brilliant move just to maintain equality in the position.

Nothing less than a brilliant move will do, can you find it?

I'm slightly smarter than a 3 year old.

Order out of Chaos

In the 3rd round, Zucci, playing Black, was faced with an incredibly complicated looking position, but in reality, the best move was relatively easy to spot...if you know what to look for... you know what to look for?


Let the Checks Fly

Our final tactic is from the 7th round, JamMasterInsane, playing Black, ends things off with a bang.

Good luck with this one, it will not be easy.

And that was it, that was November Blitz 'n' Memes.

Congratulations to IM rnanjo for winning with a perfect 7/7 score.

And special congratulations for any of you who scored 5/5 on your first attempt, welcome to the ranks of the Gods...

As always thanks for reading, and feel free to share these puzzles with your friends down at the Library or Sweatshop.

Cheers, SheldonOfOsaka.

Just a reminder, I still hate the London System. My fellow haters can get this print at REDBUBBLE, just click the link to my shop.