Don't fear losing!

Don't fear losing!

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In Round One of the Chicago Open, I played as White against Srikar, a 17-year-old with a 2022 rating from Arizona. We had 80 minutes for 40 moves, with a 30-minute bonus after move 40 and a 30-second delay per move. I kicked off the game with 1. d4 and navigated into a Queen's Gambit Accepted.

Though I aimed for an advantage, the opening left me with a somewhat unfavorable position. Opting for solidity over aggression, I couldn't establish a strong foothold for a potential win. The game progressed, leading to an Isolated Queen's Pawn (IQP) situation, with both sides jockeying for control.

A pivotal moment arose when I overlooked an opportunity to seize the initiative with Nd6—a move that could have altered the course of the game. Instead, I pursued a different plan that eventually handed Black a slight edge. Black's tactical Qd5 posed threats and presented a draw offer, which, after thoughtful consideration, I accepted.

Reflecting on the game, I identified positives in terms of energy, time management, and accuracy for both me and my opponent. To enhance my play, I recognized the need for better opening preparation, opting for sharper lines to bolster my chances of victory, displaying greater determination in endgames, and maintaining mental composure against adept adversaries.

This game underscored the significance of thorough opening readiness, dynamic line selection, and maintaining resilience in the face of a well-prepared rival.

Do you prefer short draws or playing them out?

NM Matt Jensen

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