Casual Chess at Coffee Zee (London) - Tournament Report (26/07/2024)

Casual Chess at Coffee Zee (London) - Tournament Report (26/07/2024)

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If you know nothing about Coffee Zee Chess I suggest that you check out my original blog post here:

We meet every Friday from 6-9pm at Coffee Zee just off Holloway Road. We normally run casual chess sessions but every so often I will run a casual tournament for some of our seasoned experts! 

Another Friday and another brilliant Coffee Zee Casual tournament. I have run these casual tournaments for nearly a year now but this was the most intense (and I am not talking about the thick aroma of the coffee beans in the air...).

Despite some of our best players turning up to secure an easy victory, many newcomers arrived to cause some of the most dramatic upsets of the evening. However, once the dust had settled, there was one last game: A beautifully played game by our eventual winner: 

I am going to hopefully post more of these games on my YT channel in the future. I would appreciate any feedback that you have about the format

Some pictures

A casual game I had with another player before the tournament. Needless to say my black king did not survive. This was a crazy game!

Round 1 begins!

A full (chess) house! Every seat taken with chess players

Checkmate of the evening! Bogdan, who defied all odds, took down one of the top seeds Cristian

The Winner, Christian, being presented with our coveted mug which he can hold for only 10 seconds! 

Final Standings of some of the players after 7 rounds

Chess in the pub afterwards!

Hi everyone and thanks for checking out my blog. I am avid player of chess and love writing and researching the beautiful game. I have a youtube channel as well which you should definitely check out: