These Checkmate in 2 puzzles are IMPOSSIBLE!

These Checkmate in 2 puzzles are IMPOSSIBLE!

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I have 5 puzzles to share with you over the past few days - A real treat for the solvers. Thank you for all the positive, encouraging comments I have received on my videos and blog. They have kept me motivated to keep sharing these solutions with everyone as frequent as I humanly can! I did not upload yesterday simply because I was very tired after some county chess training with my U9s chess team - Some of which gave me quite the headache in our training games - Give them a few years and I will unable to beat them ever again!'s Thursday and Friday puzzles were a little tricky in that the obvious moves were the correct ones - Thankfully hints were rather generous...

Day 18

Day 19

The American Chess Magazine

I would like to thank the American Chess Magazine for featuring me on their email list as someone with all the solutions. I greatly appreciate it and I hope it may drive some traffic to my channel for solving your brilliant puzzles! Now I just need to feature me... My birthday is on March 6th

Puzzle 13

This first one is doable:

The next two are next to impossible. Puzzle 14 is a 1st prize winner for composition for a reason:

Puzzle 14

Puzzle 15

Hi everyone and thanks for checking out my blog. I am avid player of chess and love writing and researching the beautiful game. I have a youtube channel as well which you should definitely check out: