Evaluation of position based on 3 factors

Evaluation of position based on 3 factors

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Evaluation of a chess position is all about comparing the progress either side has madeThe patterns will emerge quite quickly. One point worth stressing is that good calculation almost invariably requires evaluation, since very rarely the position can be calculated to the mate/draw

Generally, we could divide the evaluation into 3 stages:

  1. Material evaluation
  2. Evaluation of positional factors
  3. Estimation of tactical motives of the position

1. Material evaluation

The first element is material, every piece has value.

It is not as simple as it sounds. The side with less material can win too! 

2. Evaluation of positional factors

In chess discussion, you'll often hear mention of positional play, or how a particular player has a positional style. Positional play is the art of improving one's own position, while degrading the position of the opponent. Obtaining a superior position increases your ability to attack and increases your tactical potential. 

a) Compare Development

b) Compare Center-control

c) Compare King-safety

d) Compare the Pawn-structures

In Everyone's First Strategy Kit there are 5 of the most important elements about positional play:

Exchange the right pieces and when.

Learn how you can swap off your opponent’s MVP for your weak piece (even if their point value is ‘the same’) 

Maneuver the closed games

Playing 1.d4 (or against it) is often a much different game than 1.e4. Learn the strategic maneuvers and planning skills needed to be successful in this family of openings which include 1.c4 and 1.Nf3

Make a strategic blueprint based on pawn structure.

Understand how to play with or against an isolated queen pawn, play for the minority attack or defend against it, and other common pawn structure plans

Learn when material doesn’t matter. 

With a chapter dedicated to positional sacrifices, you’ll learn when you should give up material - whether that be a pawn, an exchange, or even a piece - to get long-term positional compensation

♟ Exploit critical squares.

Learn how to find a weak square and exploit it - or make one if there is none

3. Estimation of tactical motives of the position

it's highly important not to forget about the tactical possibilities that may be helpful for both sides to achieve their strategic goals. Calculation in chess means thinking ahead in terms of moves, not just yours but those of your opponent. Real chess calculation requires anticipating the best possible move your opponent can make and going forward from there. Calculation only works if you think about both sides of the board.

There 2 the most important things about calculation:

A) Visualization (be able to visualize position after few moves). You can practice it solving as much as possible, puzzles

B) Evaluation (Evaluate position that came after visualization, Who is better(White or Black)/winning? Is position equal/balanced?). You can practice it after evaluating position and checking with computer. 

📚 Course: Everyone's First Strategy Kit

📚 Website: Chess-boost

Woman Grandmaster, Software engineer, CEO of chess-boost

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