My good games at this week #59

My good games at this week #59

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It was a great week, and perhaps one of the richest with my creative successes, the best of which I traditionally hurry to show you.

Today will also be a small experiment.

You all know that recently I am one of the streamers of the, and it is a great honor for me to make interesting videos for you.

My Twitch channel Desktop
My Twitch channel Desktop

Today I will present selected games for this blog - totally in video format.

I am convinced that this will add entertainment, but it will probably leave out some of the sidelines that we loved to explore so meticulously in the text games of previous Good Games.

Leave your opinion, which of the formats is preferable for you. OK?

I will begin, perhaps, with an interesting attack that took place during a game on the stream.

In My Good Games #58 I showed blitz game against International Master from Netherlands. Despite the victory, I am still not sure if the trophy is worthy, because the master used the "berserk" mode, which reduced his time on the clock.

But this week it happened again. I applied my old gambit and - success was obvious, without additional conditions this time. I invite you to watch this hurricane catastrophe!

And... Yes. I have a habit of representing my opponents, but there is no way to do it/ The main reason is that the player has hidden information about his identity. And if in the situation with the Dutch player (from last week) his nickname was sufficiently known to identify him after a slightly "detective" investigation, then today I have only a hypothesis with whom I played.

A verified account confirms that it was International Master from USA. Let it remain incognito. This is a good idea, I think.

Also in my Good Games # 57, I reported on the completion of my repertoire with Benoni Defense, which I play in the most provocative way (Old Benoni). This is consistent with my style of play and the intention to make the opponent look for the next move on his own.

At first, this opening was a record for me only in the number of painful defeats. But I continued to search for ideas. And in the following blogs I already had several wins, which I gladly showed you. They were not masterpieces, but this is like conquering new territory. And finally, I got a game about which I can say that this is a good lesson.

In the next video, National Master from USA Eden Diano (FIDE blitz 2301) plays with white pieces against me. Why move b7-b5 is dangerous in Old Benoni Defense? This is the main idea of this game!

So. I studied a new (for me, only for such a dude like me) defense, blew dust from a forgotten gambit, and, of course, attacked as soon as possible!

I will be happy if you like it!

But besides creative success, I still have games in which achievements are measured by rating points and title letters. And I will also show it to you now!

This week I played twice against the top chess title holders (and I played twice before, you could see it in My Good Games #54 and #56). My inexperience did not allow me to resist GM from Peru. But the second game pleased me, because my line in the Scandinavian defense was successful!

WGM Vera Nebolsina
WGM Vera Nebolsina

My game is against russian WGM Vera Nebolsina (FIDE 2242), Russian and World champion U10 (1998), and again Russian and World champion U20 (2007).

If you one week ago asked me about my highest rated victory, I would not hesitate to remember the game from Good Games #56 against strong International Master  from Kyiv, Ukraine.

But today I am proud to show you two games at once, each of which improved my personal best!
The first game is played against a strong Ukrainian chess player Vadim Razin , he has official FIDE rating 2465. This is the absolute peak among those players from whom I won!

I reached a completely record rating for me 2239 on this site!


My stats blitz on
My stats blitz on

The next game was a record by rating my opponent on the site.

Black: FIDE Master Nesterov Arseniy, Russia (FIDE 2412).

Pretty week, isn't it?
I was incredibly happy not only to play all these games, but also to show them to you!
Remember that a comment is the best gift for the author.
All of you - good mood and brilliant games!
I remind you that today - my match and stream will take place.

21 00 Warsaw / 22 00 Kyiv
21 00 Warsaw / 22 00 Kyiv

This is first real match against professional chess player in my life!

Your support is very, very, very important for me! Chao!

Artur S
  • Billing / Membership Support


 My good games at this week

#1   #11   #21   #31   #41   #51

#2   #12   #22   #32   #42   #52

#3   #13   #23   #33   #43   #53

#4   #14   #24   #34   #44   #54

#5   #15   #25   #35   #45   #55

#6   #16   #26   #36   #46   #56

#7   #17   #27   #37   #47   #57

#8   #18   #28   #38   #48   #58

#9   #19   #29   #39   #49   #59

#10  #20  #30   #40   #50   #60










The best of month!













diamond.pngBest of the Year!diamond.png








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