My good games at this week #62
Again, I have а some good games this week!
Last Sunday I played for the first time in the Elite Superblitz Arena on Lichess site. My trophy was my game against the famous Venezuelan coach and chess player FIDE Master Eddy Ravelo (FIDE 2406). This is chess player number four in his country, and this is a really high level for me.
Top 5 my wins vs title players
This week I finished one of my most interesting blogs, Hummer of Von Hennig. In one of the sections, I made some recommendations on the theoretical line against the Blackmar-Dimer gambit. And immediately I began to come across chess followers of this not the most popular (but effective) opening system.
I selected two interesting games (there were more of them) and even made a video about one of them! How do you like my idea - to fight against the most dangerous chess gambits and make a video about it?
Experienced players know that this unpleasant gambit can be easily avoided if you do not immediately play d7-d5 after 1.d2-d4 move. But if you play the Scandinavian defense, like me, be prepared for the terrible truth: you cannot avoid the BDG.
Do you remember the absolutely mad anti sicilian opening line which I presented in My Good Games #49, and in My Good Games #51 I confused the real FIDE Master from Colombia and my readers liked it so much that it became The best Game on January. Do you remember this "not counting how many pawn sacrifice" is a crazy novelty?
I did it again.
Against candidate from Netherlands!
And now a funny opening catastrophes from my live streams
Add the coment if you like my games!