My good games at this week #64

My good games at this week #64

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64 is a lucky number for every chess player.
I show you my best games for the sixty-fourth week. 

Yes. I love chess gambits. I am glad that this feeling is transmitted to many readers of my blog.
Sometimes they even send me games to my followers who started playing systems like me. Soon I will make a blog with the games of my readers)
I also do my best to choose the most instructive games from my own practice, because my systems are sometimes original and not all of them are described in smart books. Here is one of those games in my favourite Wing Gambit!

Next game I already showed in The best Game of April.
You can vote for her in this blog if you haven’t done.

Many of my opening ideas are born right behind the board. I tried to summarize my thoughts about a very rare gambit, which I played against Caro-Kann Defense for two years. I called this incredible blog Hummer of Von Hennig. I directly pointed out that my idea (and I indicated who was its pioneer, of course it was many years ago) is not a “deadly weapon”. As good lines for Black, I called a few simple theoretical ones.

Since then, playing this gambit became unprofitable for me. But sometimes I manage to remember the old "golden times", and carefully roll out the opponent even in this gambit
This game could be a good illustration, but is full of bugs and mistakes. Do not reproach me for this. It was a time trouble, because I played superblitz (3 min).

Well, here's one puzzle from my Benoni Adventures this week. Let's call it: how to punish your opponent if he eagerly eaten the d5-pawn ?

In the last game for today, we will show ideas from two of my blogs at once.
This is a typical sacrifice from Let's sacrifice on h7 !  blog. And the theme of the old, but insidious theoretical gambit line, described in detail by me with a dozen practical examples in Top 5 Italian attacks!  and Itallian shine   (my bestseller sequel) blogs.

Thank you for reading !!!

Artur S
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 My good games at this week

#1   #11   #21   #31   #41   #51

#2   #12   #22   #32   #42   #52

#3   #13   #23   #33   #43   #53

#4   #14   #24   #34   #44   #54

#5   #15   #25   #35   #45   #55

#6   #16   #26   #36   #46   #56

#7   #17   #27   #37   #47   #57

#8   #18   #28   #38   #48   #58

#9   #19   #29   #39   #49   #59

#10  #20  #30   #40   #50   #60










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diamond.pngBest of the Year!diamond.png








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