What is your favorite move?
Once (it seems, it was a blog of Gregory Serper @Gserper) I met the question: what is your favorite move?
It was unexpected. But I decided to find the answer for myself. Of course, the whole move is unique. After all, they are made in different specific positions on the board!
I would show you 32.Qxd5+!! from my The best Game of August or any move from the Top 5 amazing moves topic.
No, that is not the question. Perhaps you should point out my most effective move? Oh! Then - no doubt - this is Bxh7+! from Let's sacrifice on h7 ! lesson. I do not know anything more effective. If we count the points that I received after this move, we will break off after two or three hundred, and this is not a joke!
Once I won four games one by one with this move including FIDE 2404 player! This is in My Good Games #55. It seems, I am defeated opponent, whose rating I was just afraid to look at! - say I am in this blog)))
Yes, there are many such games. Still, it does not always look like a fight. More often, it becomes the pursuit of a mistaken opponent ... A masterpiece? Seldom. More often - craft.
What then?
I listened to myself.
And found the answer. Yes!
I have one move that I make with pleasure and the knowledge that this is the prologue for a real adventure! Agree, it is very good if you know such a move?
This is a g2-g4 move! And it is time to show it in all its glory!
And finally - the most beloved of my favorites, my discovery of the times when I had just studied Wing Gambit in chess, and I did it not with textbooks, but at the board!
What do you think about it? Is this grand g2-g4 is really good for your attention?
- what is your favorite move?