Murzin Musings - Missed chances in a blitz game against the World Rapid Champion
The World Rapid Champion GM Murkzin at Sentosa Convention Centre (Singapore International Open) - credit - Singapore Chess Federation

Murzin Musings - Missed chances in a blitz game against the World Rapid Champion

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Upon reading that 18 year old Russian GM Murzin had become the World Rapid Champion, I recalled the Titled Tuesday game in which I lost to him after having a great position from the opening. The big problem for me - I was just banging out moves without calculating hard enough, but just by intuition on how the game should proceed after his kingside got porous. I also can't blame time pressure as I had two and a half minutes on the clock.  Interestingly, the game occurred almost exactly 1 year ago.

So ya, could have done better. The problem is one often gets complacent when things are just going swimmingly too well.

Here's a parallel example from a game played today. I was so pleased in winning what I thought was a one way street game. After establishing the e5-pawn wedge, I thought I left my opponent with no chance at counterplay and he was totally trussed up and will just lose naturally. Win I did, but to my shock, when the bloody Stockfish looked at the position, it transpired I was in fact worse in this wonderful-looking position.

I had just gone Qg4-f3, putting pressure on f7 and thought the game would play by itself. Can you see what Black can do to extricate himself from the suffering and turn the tables on me?

Here's the continuation for Black to do it.

A Happy New Year to all!