I Didn't Cheat And Now I'm Here To Gaslight You
I didn't cheat in those chess games. I swear it. Everyone who says I did is just jealous and can't handle how great I am.
I've never cheated in a game over the board. I cheated before but that was online which isn't the same thing. Do you know how much harder it is to cheat over the board than online? Way harder, trust me.
So yeah I beat Magnus without help. Crushed him. Maybe I'm literally 3400-strength and people are just jealous. And so they make baseless accusations.
OK, fine, I've cheated twice. But I'm willing to admit to those now that everyone knows about them already. Cheating those times I got caught I regret more than anything.
And then there's the analysis thing. There's this patzer 2600 asking me questions and it's like, "It's not my job to explain this to you." So yeah it's hard to remember lines when you didn't even look at the lines he suggests. Maybe get someone who even understands what a critical line is. No I don't know what would happen if my opponent played some obvious line like what the interviewer suggested.
Yes I know that teenagers are the most likely age group to lie. We lie for no reason. If we get caught lying we just lie some more. But I swear I'm not lying this time and I'm insulted that you think I am.
Now I'm getting angry because that will make me more convincing. I can't believe that you listen to the three best players in the world and not me. Those guys are just jealous of my supreme talent.
Maybe they needed to turn on the engine for my interviews. Then they'd know how I was totally winning against Alireza that entire time. It was so obvious that I didn't even need to explain it.
I know I had an obvious incentive to cheat since my rating had stagnated. I also know that if I were cheating I'd definitely deny having done it.
I don't cheat (anymore). It's my truth, which definitely isn't the same thing as a lie. And I'm willing to gaslight for as long as it takes for you to believe it.