Asking My Friends What The Emojis Mean

Asking My Friends What The Emojis Mean

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Hello, community! It has been a while since my last post so sorry to all my loyal fans(...are there any?). I am a beginner chess player AND blogger so I do not expect this to be fruitful..(lol)

Anyways...ehem ehem

For today's blog, I have asked my friends what they think of some emojis (as mentioned in the title). They were encouraged to state the first thought in mind, no matter how unhinged it is. There were quite the number of responses. But before starting, we have to note that some of the, are not familiar to chess or the website(at the time itself). 

There are 6 emojis here.

The first picture is the unicorn emoji. 

As expected, people responded with the word 'unicorn'. Some people also said that it was 'random' and 'kinda looks childish'. These are valid answers. ...but why is this emoji in in the first place?

The second emoji is the :V emoji. (Why V? I have absolutely no idea)

This face has different impacts on people, but it mostly reminds them of anger. People responded with 'angry', 'angry face like devil' and also 'mischevious' and 'scheming'. What does this emoji represent, if not anger and mischief?

The third picture is the pin emoji.

People mostly responded with keywords like 'killed', 'attacked' and 'bishop'. There were some funny 'door knob with a pin' and 'broken hand trying to hold a lollipop'.  I- I see the pin but I don't see the lollipop...what am I missing here?

The fourth picture is the :mate emoji.

People responded with 'fallen king', 'fall', 'crown' and...'nothing'? This makes sense, since checkmate basically means the fall of a kingdom, or the king is doomed. Shah mat, as they used to say.

The fifth picture is the :king_ of_ the_ hill emoji.

This was interesting to see as most of them familiar with chess did not know the version 'King Of The Hill'. People responded with 'mountain', 'church, 'mountain church' and...'Christianity'. The cross at the top of the mountain really played a part here. If you'd like to play King Of The Hill, you can go to the Variants Server in or press this link:

The sixth and final picture is the :fish emoji.

Yes, I am aware this is the probably the most random one.🐟. Yeah, that's reason enough.

People reacted with 'sardine', 'fish', 'fat fish' and 'i'm hungry'. ...YES, be hungry. Eat fish. Fish is life.

And just like that, we've reached the end of the blog! Hopefully, I'll be making a Part 2. You can participate in it by filling out the form with this link: NO email addresses will be collected. In other words, I ain't trying to scam anyone, okay? 

I hope you enjoyed this blog and have a great week!

Brr..The Naerie Out! 🥶
