🔥 Chessnut GO travels | DOUBLE CHECKMATE @ PIE in the SKY! ♟️🏍️🥧😊

🔥 Chessnut GO travels | DOUBLE CHECKMATE @ PIE in the SKY! ♟️🏍️🥧😊

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#chessnutgo #travelchess #chessvideos #french #steiner #doublecheckmate 

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The Old Pacific Highway (B83) runs parallel to the major northward freeway leaving Sydney and is wonderful to ride on a motorcycle. One of the iconic places to stop along the way is the Pie in the Sky Cafe at the northern end of Cowan. There are almost always motorcyclists there who have stopped for a coffee and a pie. I brought along my Chessnut GO board and played a quick game after my steak and kidney pie! 🤤

Note: watch the motorcycling focussed video (at the bottom of the article) of today’s outing to chillax! 😌

Today, I played Maxim, another intermediate bot on I had the white pieces, Maxim played the the French Defense, to which I responded with the Steiner Variation! I often find that Steiner Variation games often result in weird open positions, but that's just fine! 🤩

Maxim must have been programmed to play aggressively, and did so with (6... Ng4). This attack was unbalanced and unsupported, and three moves later, the knight is blundered and lost! Tactically, it's rather simple from this point - simplify and trade down to an endgame. Black offered a queen trade; I thought for a bit but there was no reason not to accept!

Making use of the open centre and an advantage in development and material, I make an attack and opt not to castle. This works and I steamroll Black; Maxim is left with no pieces and four isolated pawns on move 32!

Finding a beautiful checkmate should always be a goal and I was proud of this game - a double-check checkmate, DOUBLE-CHECKMATE with knight and bishop! Delightful! 😁


Motorcycling | Old Pacific Highway (Berowa to Cowan)

Hi!  I'm vitualis, the chess noob (aka chessnoob64), and I run the "Adventures of a Chess Noob" YouTube channel and blog.  I'm learning and having fun with chess! 

I restarted playing chess recently after my interest was rekindled by the release of "The Queen's Gambit" on Netflix.  I mostly play 1 or 2 games a day, and am trying to improve (slowly!).  I document some of my games and learning experiences on my blog and YouTube channel from the perspective of a beginner-intermediate player!

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