
Calculation > Feelings

Calculation > Feelings

NM NMChessToImpress

#Chess #Improvement #Learn from a #ChessMaster #Calculation > #Feelings Proud Teacher Moment: When Students Take Initiative in Studying Instructive Games One of the things I find most rewarding as a chess teacher is seeing my students go...

Chess Middlegame Mastery: Attack like a PRO!

Chess Middlegame Mastery: Attack like a PRO!

IM IM_Chessbrain

INTRODUCTION What’s the secret to launching a powerful middlegame attack? Bring more pieces into the fight! In my own game against a grandmaster, this strategy made all the difference - and today, we’ll break down how players at the ...

The Sexiest Chess Move I've Ever Played

The Sexiest Chess Move I've Ever Played

NM SamCopeland

Every chess player is inspired by the beautiful checkmating combinations of past masters. One of the things that got me hooked on chess was Fred Reinfeld's 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate (a great book if you are 1200 and don't check the solution...

CCC23 Bullet

CCC23 Bullet


CCC23 Bullet will mark the final event in the CCC23 series. Fans are expecting Stockfish to once again secure a sweeping victory in the head-to-head events to take yet another tournament victory. Due to the bullet conditions, the race for 2nd and ...

A Century of Chess: Capablanca Tournaments 1929

A Century of Chess: Capablanca Tournaments 1929


Starting around 1929, Capablanca’s life starts to assume the aspect of a tragedy. More than for just about anybody else, there’s a sense with Capablanca of being born with a very particular fate — to be the world champion —...

"De-spookify" Gambits: By Declining Them!

"De-spookify" Gambits: By Declining Them!

NM NMChessToImpress

Hey Impressive Chessers! Happy Halloween! 🎃 Today, we're revisiting a classic Halloween topic: the infamous Halloween Gambit! This gambit is a spooky trick that arises in the Four Knights Opening, where White sacrifices a knight with 4. Nxe5, ai...

Middlegame Course: 3 Rules to Attack!

Middlegame Course: 3 Rules to Attack!

IM IM_Chessbrain

INTRODUCTIONIn this episode, you’ll learn three powerful rules for building winning attacks in chess. We’ll explore how to bring more pieces into your attack, the difference between attacking same-side and opposite-side castling, and w...

The Return of the Puller Cup!

The Return of the Puller Cup!


This is a blog post about a tournament run by the Hertfordshire Chess Association in England. If you live in Hertfordshire (or the surrounding areas) and you would like to find out more about chess in Hertfordshire, please visit this page which co...

"De-spookify" Your Opponent's Threats

"De-spookify" Your Opponent's Threats

NM NMChessToImpress

Hey Impressive Chessers! Today, we’re going to revisit a topic that you’re probably getting pretty tired of hearing about: dealing with your opponent’s threats. If you’re tired of hearing about it—good! It means it's...

The Italian Week - Day 1

The Italian Week - Day 1

FM ChessArchitect64

This week, I am launching the Thematic Week series, an event that will span four days, from Monday to Thursday, during the last calendar week of each month. These tournament series will provide the Chess Architect community with the opportunity ...

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