
Lookin' for frenemies.....happy

Join my club: 

Thanks to @ThatDevilCat for my profile picture 😊

(Not this one but he made my previous profile picture)

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Hope ya' doin' good!


            A Chess Rhyme


Pawn to Play, Surely the Way!

     Knights in Fortresses, Cozmo's Enchantments'

King's Castled, no more hassles!

       Checks are Checks! Take some rest,

Bishops are out? No more doubt!










The Cattastic Chess League
The Cattastic Chess League ১৬৯ জন সদস্য Community Community ৪৫,১৬৮ জন সদস্য
Chess Federation of Pakistan
Chess Federation of Pakistan ১০,৮৫৫ জন সদস্য
Gotham's Mob
Gotham's Mob ৩৪,৫৩৪ জন সদস্য
The Chocolatey Factory
The Chocolatey Factory ২৭ জন সদস্য