ডায়মন্ড সদস্য

The Golden Road to Samarkand

We who with songs beguile your pilgrimage

And swear that Beauty lives though lilies die,
We Poets of the proud old lineage
Who sing to find your hearts, we know not why, -
What shall we tell you? Tales, marvellous tales
Of ships and stars and isles where good men rest,
Where nevermore the rose of sunset pales,
And winds and shadows fall towards the West:
And there the world's first huge white-bearded kings
In dim glades sleeping, murmur in their sleep,
And closer round their breasts the ivy clings,
Cutting its pathway slow and red and deep.

DGT Chess Club
DGT Chess Club ৯১৯ জন সদস্য
English Chess Federation - Members
English Chess Federation - Members ২,৪৮৮ জন সদস্য
DGT Pegasus Centaur e-Board Users
DGT Pegasus Centaur e-Board Users ২৬৮ জন সদস্য Legends Club Legends Club ২২,৩৮,৩১৯ জন সদস্য
People who play with COBRA2721
People who play with COBRA2721 ৩ জন সদস্য