ডায়মন্ড সদস্য

Education: B.A. in History and English Literature, double Majored at University of Nevada Reno. Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies.

Favorite Chess Players: Anatoly Karpov, Jose R. Capablanca, Bobby Fischer, Siegbert Tarrasch, Gary Kasparov.  

Favorite Study Composers: Gleb Zakhodyakin, Frantisek Prokop, Ernest Pogosyanz, Vladimir Korolkov, Genrikh Kasparyan, Gia Nadareischvili, and L. Kubbel.

I prefer to win Endings, but lately the Middle Game has become of interest to me. As for Openings, I mostly play what I like, and do not go in for what is fashionable. For me, fashionable might be a line in the 1940's.

Film Noir (1941-1959) is my favorite genre. I have a good collection of these old movies for the Home Library.

Other Hobbies: Reading, Martial Arts, and Bowling.