ডায়মন্ড সদস্য

My blog est entièrement superfétatoire, you're not missin anythin not reading it friends !  bb [ Check out my blog : Throughton's Heir et ses Logorrhees Peremptoires  - Chess Memoirs ]  bn  Can you believe I reached 168 countries since joining? Play with me! grin.png  = [ MY PASSPORT NEEDS YOUR INPUT FRIEND ! ]  br Challenge me to a game if I have not yet played with a compatriot from your country! bq  Learned chess basics : fall 1996, sophomore year  
1996-1998/99 : high school chess club bk  BIG hiatus : 1999-2022 (november 11th)
18 books in 3 days =
25 books since joining.  (9 left to discover, I dont look at what those openings are ,
I unlock them playing with variations I think cold work,  not even googling the names or reading their pages)
Countries left to stamp on my passport : 74 !


Lot of catching up to do! Learning is fun, no presumptions or objectives,
competitive but amicable. Warning to all new players : Better create a true account before using
a diamond subscription, not as a login under Gmail login 'pseudo-login',

see my previous account at :

Pardon the duplicate, didn't realize I'd jump into the annual "diamond plan fandom" after a couple days getting back into the sport.

Got the hang of bullet-blitz, finally got a good tournament, 4th place, 12W-2L-0T

The Doctor (Patrick Troughton)
The Doctor (Patrick Troughton) From Doctor Who Legacy [BBC/Tiny Rebel Games/Seed Studio]

Chessably international online club
Chessably international online club ১৬ জন সদস্য
BlogChamps ৪৫৮ জন সদস্য
Admiral_ChessBeard Fan Club
Admiral_ChessBeard Fan Club ১,০৮০ জন সদস্য
Chess Nuts Roasting on an Open File
Chess Nuts Roasting on an Open File ১,৫৭৫ জন সদস্য Fun Club Fun Club ৭১৪ জন সদস্য