
Recent Goals: 1000 USCF rating | 1300 rapid rating | 1500 bullet rating | 1200 blitz rating

Previous/Completed Goals: 1350 bullet rating ✅

Friends with NM @ChessGiantYoutube and FM @fywong2 (my coach)!

I am the founder of my school's chess club, in collaboration with my school's games club!


Friends in real life: 🥰🌺

1. @BrandonChess_MC

      ♙ He used to be on a swim team with me, though I haven't seen him recently irl...

2. @ASecretUsername

      ♙ A lifeguard coach over at my local swimming pool 🥰

      ♙ I'm 1005 rapid rating against ~1450 rapid rating for him, yet I have won 2 games against him in real life in a row on 7/31/24! He rage quitted lol XD

3. @ancheng51

      ♙ Used to be a friend of mine at a Rubik's Cube class.

4. @Mustapha95

      ♙ A friend over at my city's local chess club!

5. @BriansGambit86

      ♙ Another friend over at my city's local chess club!


Do you want to know me better? Here is some info about me!

♔ 12 years old (almost 13!)

♕ Top 3 favorite music artists: Melodysheep, Epic Mountain, and Toby Fox

♖ Favorite song: Rewrite the Stars

♖ My top favorite music: Sun Mother, Ether, No More Sun, A Cybers World, etc!

♗ I love Legend of Zelda! Especially BOTW and TOTK! Oh, and SS as well.

♘ I love Glitch Productions as well, especially Murder Drones!

♙ I love all of my friends, in real life, and on!


Have a great day everyone! 🥰🌺

ক্লাব Community Community ৪৫,১৭০ জন সদস্য
LoZ Roleplaying Club
LoZ Roleplaying Club ৩৫ জন সদস্য vs. ChessKid vs. ChessKid ২,৬২৬ জন সদস্য
USChess ৬২,৬৪১ জন সদস্য
The Rook Gang
The Rook Gang ৫৮৮ জন সদস্য